Community Center

The anchor of the community


One of the goals of the community center is to become the focal point of the surrounding neighborhoods. To be known as a place you can go to for a plate of food if you are hungry, a place to have someone walk besides you through the loss of a loved one or an illness, a place where someone is always willing to grab your hand and pray with you. A place of safety and encouragement.


The current community center hosts a daily soup club for over 150 kids, a preschool for working mothers to leave their children at, an HIV/AIDs support group, a weekly Bible study, a base for the community care workers to receive their training and go out into the community, and a place for kids to come after school that is safe and supervised so they can play and do their homework.


The women of the community use the center as a launching point for the work they do in the surrounding neighborhoods and as a meeting place to discuss what needs to be done to reach out and help those that are in need. It is a place that any one can come to and be welcomed by people that love to help those in their community.